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Quarantine Care

Writer's picture: Angela DiLeoneAngela DiLeone

We are all on lock down and in the same boat. Would someone please throw me a life jacket!

I never thought that our world would ever come to this. Covid-19 has forever changed our Beauty Industry. We have stopped doing what in in our heart and soul. Sitting and waiting for the D- Day to come out and play again. I know for me this has been the hardest thing I've been through except for one other thing.

Loosing my mom. Yes a death...... a death of my passion put on hold.

as I am done now sulking in despair. I put on my big girl panties and try to do what is best. Share some things to help you get by as far as self care.

There are so many self care options on line but here are some of my faves.

1. Foot Soak- use hot boiling water or tap water that is very hot and add to a dishpan, pot or bucket. Add anything from Epson salt or bath bombs you had left over from Christmas.

Vinegar also is a great detox foot soak. A few cap fulls and some essential oils to muffle you smelling like a salad.

2. Face Mask- we all love those home self care mask. But in a time were we may not have any and buying online is just not essential. Here are some ingredients to use.


For Rough Skin 1/2 cucumber, pureed in a food processor 1/4 cup milk 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon brown sugar


For Dull Skin 1/2 cup mashed papaya 1 teaspoon honey 1 whipped egg white


For Dry Skin

1 avocado

2 tablespoons plain yogurt

1 tablespoon olive oil

1 tablespoon honey


For Oily Skin 1/2 cup cooked oatmeal, cooled (duh) 1 egg 1 tablespoon lemon juice


For Acne-Prone Skin 1 mashed banana 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

mix any of these ingredients and apply to your face.

30 min and rinse with just warm water.


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