During this time of quarantine we have been finding that our essential self care business are not considered essential. Since when is it not essential to feel great when this whole world is in a pandemic. I realize they are doing this for a lot of our own good.
Taking my passion to make others feel good has put even me in a funk.

Feeling like I have no purpose in the industry I so love. So I give myself a pep talk and put my big girl panties on and write this self care during quarantine blog.
To feel good during such a time is essential. But until they open us back up for business here are a few things you can do to help with the quarantine blues.
Foot soak-
There are many things around your house to do a foot soak. Grab any container from a dish pan to rubber made container. Add hot tap water and put in a few bath bombs you had left over from Christmas. Another great item the some may have at home is Epson salt or maybe just regular table salt or vinegar will work also. Just add some scented fragrance or essential oil so you do not smell like a salad.
Face mask- No not the virus kind. Mixing up a facial mask from food that is already in your fridge or pantry is simple dimple. Here are a few different recipes.
For eczema -
For dry skin-
1 tablespoon Greek yogurt
1 teaspoon oatmeal
1 teaspoon honey
For acne skin-
1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
a drop of tea tree oil
For aging skin
1 egg white
2 tablespoons fresh aloe (or, in a pinch, aloe vera gel)
Hair mask- leave on 30 - 40 min and wrap in saran wrap to keep moist. Rinsing with warm water not hot!
Shampoo if needed to remove product.
Dry hair-
1 teaspoon of honey
1 egg
1 tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar
Flaky scalp-
2 tablespoons of raw unrefined coconut oil
4 teaspoons of raw sugar
5 drops of peppermint oil
2 drops of tea tree oil
Dull hair-
Equal parts raw organic honey
apple cider vinegar
coconut oil
Greasy hair-
1 egg white
juice from half a lemon
Damaged hair-
Half an avocado
1 egg
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 tablespoon of honey
Take this time during these quarantine days to do some self care.
Self Care Is Essential.